Variety of brushes
This one caught Theo’s attention from the moment I asked him to pick a BIG rock from the front yard on our way in from errands, to bring in and paint!
He loves to wash things, so first, we washed it off and then it was ready to paint. (it was a good transition into the house and allowing him to wash it before we painted had him really excited about this). I also picked one to paint so I could join him!
Once they were clean we got to painting. Theo decided to help me with mine as well as paint his own. He stayed engaged all the way through, until both rocks were completely covered.
Emotionally, this is calming, washing with warm water, drying and free painting! Children get to express how they feel on the rocks they found right outside their doors with color and paint brush choices they make independently.
Being busy bodies all the time, children may not have as much needed time as they should to calm their bodies and just relax and express their thoughts through art.
This may help your little keep in a calm and positive direction for the rest of the day because they had their free expression time!