Head Shoulders Knees and Toes Song

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes Song

What you will need:

  • Your voice

  • You

  • Your little one

How I approached this:

Theo, like many things, takes a lot of involvement with music and movement. “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” has been one of our favorites from the very beginning. He has been very interested in his body and what parts are and where they are on him so I figured this sequencing dance/song would be perfect for him.

We generally always have some sort of music playing, so this time in particular I made sure a few different versions of this one came on a few times. I did this one with him because he still is not sure where everything is. We did it with and without the music and at times would “read” through the song with our book (sometimes the song pace is a little too fast).

It took him a while to find his shoulders, but as we did this more and more he was able to locate them! It can be difficult for young children to locate parts of their body they can't yet see, sometimes it's as if they don't even exist yet until they can see or reach them!

Any sequencing song can help to build cognitive skills. One other favorite of Theo’s is “Baby bumble bee.” Take notice of songs they like and incorporate those! Some children often like new songs so even introducing a new one might grab their attention.