Walk on Bubble Wrap

Walk on Bubble Wrap

What you will need:

  • Bubble Wrap (ours was leftover from packages)

How I approached this:

Time to get silly! Now, I have truly learned to keep everything because you can get creative and use things in some way shape or form if you’ve got a little one.

Bubble wrap can be expensive, so I'm sure to keep all or any I get! This may be a good activity to plan ahead for or maybe save for later in the month.

Some children might not like the loud noise with this one. If you think it could upset your little, start with the smaller bubble bubble wraps. Theo jumped right on our medium size bubble wrap and jumped the first few pops as he was getting used to the noise.

But, initially he hopped right on and went crazy! What a cool noise and feeling on their feet! 

Sometimes we forget feet are just as good to learn about sensory play! Children get the same (or even better) beneficial sensations through their feet.

I highly recommend switching it up because they may achieve their needs more efficiently that way!