Dancing with Scarves

Dancing with Scarves

What will you need:

  • Music

  • Any kind of scarves or long pieces of cloth

How I approached this:

Dancing, alone, is so great for children to let loose-so this time I decided to add a little “spunk.” As I held a scarf and danced around, Theo took one and “wore” it on his head.

He would take and switch out colors that he’d continue to put on his head. Once he put one on his head, he’d spin and dance until it fell off and the proceeded to do it again! Theo thrives off of self-expression activities like these.

He lets loose and becomes silly with so much laughter (a wonderful thing for a parent to see and experience!).

He also tried to involve our three dogs. He would sit with each of them and “offer” a scarf by placing it on each of their heads and got a kick out of it.

(the dogs didn’t mind either )