Parent child activity

Parent child activity

What you will need:

  • Parent

  • Child

How I approached this:

So, this “activity” I kind of let roll. I went in knowing I’d be working with him most of the gymnastics class- with physical activities, but I also let him “choose” which direction we went with this. If he approached a child, I backed off.

I knew Theo had a “need” to interact with other children and he was so interested in them. Even though I planned this to be a more direct instead of indirect activity, I quickly realized it wasn’t what HE NEEDED.

I was able to identify he simply needed both, (children interaction with my support).

He would occasionally turn and look to make sure I was there and for almost what seemed like the look of “approval.” Lesson plans are great ways to outline meaningful lessons for children, but they are GUIDELINES, nothing that has to be set in stone.

What’s best for your child is not planned-they are ideas and may change depending on what is best for them in that moment!

Don’t be afraid to make some changes even if in the moment! Our best interest is the child!