Numbers in Bathtub

Numbers in Bathtub

What you need

  • Bath time :)

  • Bubbles

  • Some sort of water proof numbers

How I approached this:

We’ve done this quite a bit, I try and switch out their bath toys often. This time I just threw in some numbers and gave them a bath! Generally, they just stick them all over the walls, occasionally Theo will pull out the number four because that’s how old he is.

He asked what number his friend Valerie was so we talked about the number three. Then he asked about some of his other friends talked about their number as well, and so on and so forth. He even asked what my number was, my husbands number was and we talked out how to numbers can make up a persons age.

This, again is like the previous activities for the past few days it’s more of a child led activity. Numbers have been gone over so much this month. It’s just kind of an opportunity for the child to visualize them and speak on them.