Outdoor Sticky Wall

Outdoor Sticky Wall

What you need

  • Contact paper. (Check stores such as staples, craft stores even Amazon to compare prices)

How I approached this:

Theo was excited about this one. We usually don’t use contact paper for art so the fact that we were using something very similar to a giant piece of tape was really interesting to him. This one is one of my favorites.

You can cut any size or shape of contact paper if you look back for them and let them know that anything they collect around the yard can be used for this art. Theos started collecting handfuls of dirt, added a flower, then added some rocks! We discussed what we thought would stick in which we thought wouldn’t if we picked up the sticky paper.

Even though he discovered rocks don’t stick he still enjoy collecting him for his paper. This activity can make a really cool piece of art! To preserve this art you could cut another piece of contact paper and place it over the one that they loaded with nature. Although Theo collected a lot of things that weren’t able to be preserved he spent a lot of time walking around the yard using his creative mind thinking of things that he wanted to work with.

This activity is very low maintenance and allows the child to use many skills to create unique pieces of art. Even doing this activity twice results will be completely different.